Forgot to say, yesterday was Liberation Day in Rwanda. A National holiday with much celebrations around the country. In Kigali for example, veterans from the war in 1994 were honoured with medals at the Amahoro Stadium. In Musanze there were also celebrations at the Musanze stadium and was in a similar thread. I didn't attend unfortunately - was doing month-end admin.
This morning Andy and I started with a daily routine (for a few days anyway) of going to the site for 2-3 hours and listing the bird species on site. This morning we were there around 6:45am and ended with a pretty decent 28 species for the 2 1/2 hours with a few new ones I hadn't seen at the site yet. The flycatcher and seed-eater species were particularly well represented. Tomorrow we're going out there from about 11am and the next day after 4pm and so on. This way we get a fairly good idea of the species one can find on a regular basis but also the infrequent visitors.
There probably won't be much else on the agenda this week other than the birding etc as the week is set out for admin including finalising the EIA queries so we can get that back to REMA.
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