Friday, July 21, 2006

Another week gone!

Another week has sped by with us still waiting for the EIA approval but that's possibly a little light we see blinking at the other side of the tunnel. This week was also mostly in the office again - bah!

OnWednesday morning decided to get the old legs exercised again and blood circulation going and went for some photography and birding to the site. What a pleasure, our nesting Golden-Breasted Bunting has a very healthy looking chick in the nest and the Paradise Flycatcher parents were flying around with their young one. A pair of Chinspot Batis (small flycatchers) was also busy building a nest. Oh yes, and another new species for the site - Black-headed Batis (a totally new one for me), that brings the site list to 51 species.

From there, we met our attorney in town and then decided we'll make a relaxing day. Andy went off to football practice and I went to see how my pool playing skills had deteriorated at Hotel Urumuli against the local patrons. Quite an entertaining and amusing time it turned out to be and I also became the target for "revenge" games whenever I won - yes, great fun.

Yesterday and today I was busy preparing for my trip to London and spent time at the banks this morning followed by a haircut at the local barber or "hairdressing salon". Its the second time I've gone to cut my hair there and it still remains a novelty for passersby (funny that - only the second time a "mzungu" has gone in there). The guy who cut my hair last time, proudly took his place this time and let the others know that he's an expert with mzungu hair now. A dollar later and I had a pretty good haircut, as good as anywhere else labelled as "civilised".

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