Sunday, June 18, 2006

Site Tour & Kinigi

This morning we set off to site to show Sarah what and where everything had been marked out. We took a tour leader and her crew with to show them around. We spent a pleasant couple of hours on the site touring nearly every corner.

After this we to town to have lunch at a local restaurant near the house. While we were here a group of tourist arrived on local transport from Kigali and due to them not being able to get some reliable transport to Kinigi immediately we offered to take them up to Kinigi Guesthouse where they had reservations. I took them up there and made sure all was fine and had a chat about their programme for the next few days. I said I would be back the tomorrow evening with Greg who can then sort out their arrangements and plans.

It was quite a pleasure driving up to Kinigi as most of that road had been repaired for the Gorilla Naming Ceremony and what usually a 45min drive was only about 20min now over and above getting off that road onto one of the not so good roads.

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