Today we finished the final touches on the marking out of the Bar, lounge, restaurant etc and moved over to the 4x4 sites in the north-west of the site. This is also a lovely part of the site with views from the western border of Karisimbi, Bisoke and Sabinyo mountains.
This part also feature big depressions down the centre i.e. when going from north to south. Its in these depressions that we marked out the ablutions for the 4x4 sites and ensuring that spaces are available on the western and eastern sides for six designated camping sites, cooking and dining areas.
Of course it wasn't all just hitting pegs into the ground and moving on, we had to partially mark out most of the circle road around the 4x4 sites. Its not really hard though to find where the road should be as the contours make it fairly obvious although we let the road go around the odd very large tree. Must admit when we were looking at the various campsites, they are really nice. Some in slight depressions and others on ridges with fantastic views. The existing terraces and contours also provide ready made demarcation sor campsites and 4x4 parking.
Every day at the site now is also a bit of wildlife checklist compilation with sighting of a huge variety of butterflies, insects and birds.
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